Specialty : Executive and Business Coach
An entrepreneur who have started businesses since 2004 and have concern in people development. Aidil has starting using NLP and coaching in his business and others since 2012.
Certification training in NLP:
Licensed Practitioner of NLP, by The Society of NLP, 2012
Licensed Master Practitioner on NLP, by The Society of NLP, 2012
Certified Practitioner of NLP by ABNLP, 2014
Certified Timeline Therapy by ABNLP, 2014
Certified Meta Master Practioner of NS-NLP, 2015
Certified Trainer of NS-NLP, 2019
Certification training in Coaching:
Profesional and Business coach training by Formula Bisnis Indonesia, 2013
Clean Language Coaching and therapy, 2012
Coaching and counselling for Leader, from HRexcellency, 2013
Modul I-IV ICF ACTP, The Art and Science of Coaching, by Erickson International, 2014
4D Team Coaching by Erickson International, 2016
Executive and Business Coaching by International Coaching Community, 2016
Others Certification Training competencies:
Training for Firewalk Trainer by TDWResources
Emotional Quality Management by HRexcellency
Certified EQ for Selling by Six Second International
Certified Profesional Graphologist by ALESI
Essential Licensed Trainer by MWS
The Success Factor Modeling by Dilts Strategy Group
Velocity Practitioner by Erickson International
Contributor writer, Kisah Sukses denganCoaching, 2016
Contributor Writer, 33 Inspirasi Coaching untuk Indonesia, 2016
Sarjana Teknik, Teknik Elektro, Universitas Andalas
Magister Management Universitas Andalas